Stay Informed On Our CD Catalog!

To receive more information about the value of our hypnotic CD's please fill out the form below:

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Friday, April 18, 2008

Quit Smoking

The QUIT SMOKING CD will be the first to be released of a double set of CDs.

My husband will be recording the first group of CDs dedicated to those who wish
to quit this habit.

It will be a double set of CDs ...

1. The long initial hypnosis CD which will take you deep into a state of hypnosis
and be filled with initial suggestions to begin your journey to quit smoking fovever.

2. The second CD will be used to reinforce your initial suggestions and is to be played
late at night before going to sleep and will allow you to enter a very deep and restful
sleep to awake refreshed and alert.

Who wishes to receive the first of these CD sets? They will be offered at a reduced
introductory offer to all those who wish to take advantage of this offer.

email me at ' '


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Quit Smoking and Lose Weight

We have had more requests for Quit Smoking and for Weight Loss CD's right now than any other hypnosis purpose for the time being.

Followed closely by Relationship and Sexual Enhancement with a close 3rd place.

So... the first two CD's we will be creating will be for Quit Smoking and Lose Weight followed soon by Relationship and Sexual Enhancement.

The first two will come as packages containing two CD's. And it is also being considered that the Relationship and Sexual Enhancement package will also be containing two CDs.

If you have any other requests for a particular issue you would like to experience a hypnosis CD for, please let us know by sending an email to " ".


Saturday, April 12, 2008

Quit Smoking CD - Coming Soon

The QUIT SMOKING Cd is going to be very cool. The user of this package will be receiving TWO CDs and some printed material to really help with this issue.

The program will cost about 1/2 of what you are spending on cigarettes every month. This is going to really help all those who wish to quit smoking.

Watch for the announcement soon that the package is ready for sale.

Sunday, April 6, 2008

Hypnosis Helps Breast Cancer Patients

A friend sent me an email to show me what is happening with hypnosis in the medical world today. This is a very interesting post to a blog elsewhere on the web showing results from a recent study involving hypnosis and breast cancer patients.

Check it out HERE.

Hypnosis is becoming mainstream and accepted by the medical community worldwide as a certain aid in many different health issues.

It is no longer considered a phoney stage act somewhere it is for real.